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Table 3 Quality Appraisal Checklist—Quantitative Studies Reporting Correlations and Associations [14]

From: Clinical significance of premature ventricular contraction among adult patients: protocol for a scoping review


 Source of population well described

 Eligible population representative of the source of population

 Participants represent eligible population


 Selection bias minimized

 Reasonable variables selection

 Acceptably low contamination

 Confounding factors identified and controlled


 Outcome measures and procedures reliable

 Outcome measurements complete

 All important outcomes assessed

 Similar follow-up time in exposed and comparison groups

 Follow-up time meaningful


 Study was sufficiently powered to detect an intervention (if any)

 Multiple explanatory variables considered in the analysis

 Analytical methods appropriate

 Precision of association given or calculable and meaningful


 Study results internally valid

 Findings are generalizable to the source population