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Table 1 Framing of this systematic review using key items identified by the CHARMS checklist [30]

From: Prognostic prediction models for pregnancy complications in women with gestational diabetes: a protocol for systematic review, critical appraisal and meta-analysis



1. Prognostic versus diagnostic prediction model

Aim is to predict future events (prognostic prediction model)

2. Intended scope of the review

Models to inform clinicians’ therapeutic decision-making

3. Type of prediction modelling studies

All study types, i.e. Prediction model development studies with and without external validation and external model validation studies with or without model updating.

4. Target population to whom the prediction model applies

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes diagnosed according to each included study.

5. Outcome to be predicted

Pregnancy complications related to GDM affecting the mother (obstetric or maternal) or the child (fetal or neonatal). These complications were aligned with the standard outcomes agreed by consensus between review authors of Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth systematic reviews for the prevention and treatment of GDM and pre-existing diabetes [31, 32]. Complications potentially related to the treatment of GDM such as maternal hypoglycaemia and glycaemic control were not included. Gestational weight gain was not included as it is also likely to be a predictor of the outcomes of interest.


• Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia)

• Caesarean delivery

• Maternal mortality

• Placental abruption

• Induction of labour

• Perineal trauma

• Postpartum haemorrhage

• Postpartum infection


• Perinatal mortality

• Large-for-gestational age neonate

• Nirth trauma including shoulder dystocia, nerve palsy, bone fracture

• Fetal macrosomia

• Small-for-gestational age neonate

• Low birth weight neonate

• Intrauterine growth restriction

• Preterm birth

• Neonatal hypoglycaemia

• Respiratory distress syndrome

• Neonatal jaundice

• Neonatal hypocalcaemia

• Neonatal adiposity

• Polycythaemia

• Apgar sore < 7 at 5 min

• Admission to neonatal intensive care unit or special care nursery

6. Time span of prediction

Complications occurring during pregnancy (obstetric) or affecting the neonate (neonatal), defined per standard definition which is an infant during the first 28 days after birth.

7. Intended moment of using the model

At any time during pregnancy.