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Table 2 Measures for “improved inpatient EHR documentation” and their definitions

From: Evaluation of interventions to improve electronic health record documentation within the inpatient setting: a protocol for a systematic review

Outcome measure


Medication accuracy

The absence of or decline in the number of errors and discrepancies present in the medication record

Document accuracy

The absence of or decline in the number of errors and discrepancies present in the EHR document


The lack or decrease of missing information, as well as the addition of documented items within a medical record


A decrease in the time required to complete the document and also a shortening of the turnaround time necessary for the document to be available

Overall quality

Variously defined by each study and assessed through mean scores of personalized checklists or quality indicators


A well-organized, readable, and easily understandable document


The decrease in the number of lines or word count

Document capture

An increased number of documents created (not included in this review because of lack of data)

User satisfaction

Determined by the primary EHR users in surveys that evaluate their opinion on the implementation of the intervention