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Table 3 Results of the pilot database search

From: Evidence of promoting prevention and the early detection of breast cancer among women, a hospital-based education and screening interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol

Keyword search

Date of search

Search engine used

Number of publications retrieved

(((((“Breast Neoplasms”[Mesh]) AND women) AND ((low and middle income countries)))) AND ((((((((symptoms) OR warning signs) OR detect*) OR diagnos*) OR health promotion) OR prevent*)) OR intervention*)) AND (((((((((((((((((general practitioner*) OR oncologist) OR physician assistant) OR physician assisstant) OR physician) OR clinician) OR doctor) OR nurse assistant) OR OR “midwifery”[All Fields] OR “midwife”[All Fields])) OR midwife) OR nurse) OR breast clinic) OR palliative care clinic) OR oncology clinic) OR clinic) OR health centre) OR hospital)

September 23, 2017
