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Table 7 Summary of mortality outcome for device, dialysis, and glucose control interventions for a significant difference in mortality

From: Anesthesia interventions that alter perioperative mortality: a scoping review

First author, year

Type of surgery

Anesthesia-related intervention theme

Intervention/ comparison details

Perioperative phase, duration of intervention

Impact on mortality* (outcome definition, timing)

Durmaz, 2003

Cardiac, 44


Prophylactic preoperative hemodialysis for patients undergoing CABG surgery with underlying renal failure.

Usual care: received postoperative dialysis if there was a 50% increase in serum creatinine from baseline or patient exhibited inadequate urine output less than 400 mL for 24 h despite correction of hemodynamic status and diuretic therapy.

Preoperative, postoperative

Every day for a time period

Decreased mortality (in-hospital mortality, NR)

Thielman, 2013

Cardiac, 329

Medical device

Remote ischemic preconditioning took place after induction of anesthesia and before skin incision. Three cycles of 5 min ischemia, achieved by inflation of a blood pressure cuff to 200 mmHg, followed by 5 min reperfusion while the cuff was deflated were applied to the upper left arm.

No treatment



Decreased mortality (all-cause 30-day mortality, secondary outcome)

Qiu, 2009

Cardiac, 221

Medical Device

“The IABP catheter used was 8 F 34 ml balloon Percor STAT-DL Catheter (Datascope Corp, Fairfield, NJ) connected to a Datascope portable computerized console (Datascope), placed using percutaneous insertion technique via the femoral artery.”

“Preoperative insertion was normally performed in the anesthesia preparation room in the operating room (OR) prior to induction of anesthesia.”


During most of the intraoperative period

Decreased mortality (in-hospital, NR)

van den Berghe, 2001

NR, 1548

Glucose control

Intensive insulin therapy (target blood glucose of 80–110 mg/dL) in mechanically ventilated ICU patients

Usual care: a continuous infusion of insulin (50 IU in 50 mL 0.9% NaCl) was started only if the blood glucose level exceeded 215 mg/dL, with the infusion adjusted to maintain the level between 180 and 200 mg/dL.


In the intervention group, the intensive treatment approach was followed until the patient was discharged from the intensive care unit, at which point the conventional approach was adopted.

Decreased mortality (death during intensive care, primary outcome)

Decreased mortality (in-hospital mortality, secondary outcome)

  1. Anesthesia-related intervention refers to interventions provided in the perioperative period that was or could be performed, organized, or initiated by a healthcare professional with specific training in anesthesia
  2. ND no significant change, NR not reported