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Table 5 Summary of mortality outcome for transfusion interventions for a significant difference in mortality

From: Anesthesia interventions that alter perioperative mortality: a scoping review

First author, year

Type of surgery, no. of participants

Intervention/comparison details

Perioperative phase, duration of intervention

Impact on mortality* (outcome definition, timing)

Bilgin, 2004

Cardiac, 474

Leuko-depleted red blood cell transfusion. Platelet concentrates were prepared from pooled buffy coats and were all leukocyte-depleted by filtration (< 1 × 106 leukocytes per product) before storage.

Standard buffy coat-depleted packaged cells.


During most of the intraoperative phase

Decreased mortality (in-hospital, secondary outcome)

Foss, 2009

Orthopedic, 107

A hemoglobin threshold of 10.0 g/dL (liberal) versus 8.0 g/dL (restrictive) in the entire perioperative period

Receive transfusion at a hemoglobin threshold of 8.0 g/dL (restrictive) in the entire perioperative period.

Preoperative, Intraoperative, postoperative

During most of the intraoperative phase

Decreased mortality (30-day mortality, secondary outcome)

Kosmadakis, 2003

Colorectal, 63

The intervention involved administration of subcutaneous erythropoietin (r-HuEPO at 300 IU/kg) plus IV iron (100 mg) for 7 days preop, and 7 days postop surgery for gastrointestinal malignancies.

Received placebo medication subcutaneously and 100 mg iron intravenously each day.

Preoperative, postoperative

Every day for a time period: “erythropoietin or placebo applications were given for 14 days perioperatively, starting 7 days before the operation.”

Decreased mortality (1-year survival, NR)

Van de Watering, 1998

Cardiac, 914

One of the following three trial arms: “(1) the PC trial arm, in which when transfusion was indicated, standard packed cells (PC) without buffy coat were transfused; (2) the prestorage filtration FF trial arm, in which when transfusion was indicated, freshly filtered (i.e., < 24 h after donation) units were transfused; and (3) the poststorage filtration SF trial arm, ill which when transfusion was indicated, 6- to 20-day stored packed cells without buffy coat were filtered shortly before transfusion.”


During most of the intraoperative phase

Decreased mortality (in-hospital, NR)

  1. Anesthesia-related intervention refers to interventions provided in the perioperative period that was or could be performed, organized, or initiated by a healthcare professional with specific training in anesthesia
  2. ND no significant change, NR not reported