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Table 1 Search strategy

From: Treatment outcomes in patients with opioid use disorder initiated by prescription: a systematic review protocol

MEDLINE = 6250

1 exp Analgesics, Opioid/

2 (opiate* or opioid* or fentanyl or narcotic* or dilaudid or oxycontin* or oxycod*).ti,ab.

3 1 or 2

4 exp Drug Prescriptions/

5 (prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical* or legal*).ti,ab.

64 or 5

73 and 6

8 ((prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical*) adj2 (opioid* or opiate* or dilaudid or fentanyl or codeine or oxyco*)).ti,ab.

97 or 8

10 Opioid-Related Disorders/

11 Heroin Dependence/

12 Substance-Related Disorders/

13 Substance Abuse, Intravenous/

14 ((opiate* or opioid* or heroin* or oxyco* or codeine* or dilaudid or fentanyl or drug* or substance*) adj2 (use* or using or misuse* or abus* or dependence* or dependent* or addict*)).ti,ab.

1510 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14

169 and 15

17 exp animals/ not (humans/ and exp animals/)

1816 not 17

EMBASE = 14,649

1 exp heroin dependence/

2 opiate/

3 exp opiate addiction/

4 substance abuse/

5 ((opiate* or opioid* or heroin* or oxyco* or codeine* or dilaudid or fentanyl or drug* or substance*) adj2 (use* or using or misuse* or abus* or dependence* or dependent* or addict*)).ti,ab.

61 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

7 ((prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical*) adj2 (opioid* or opiate* or dilaudid or fentanyl or codeine or oxyco*)).ti,ab.

8 (prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical* or legal*).ti,ab.

9 exp prescription/

10 exp prescription drug/

11 (opiate* or opioid* or fentanyl or narcotic* or dilaudid or oxycontin* or oxycod*).ti,ab.

12 exp narcotic analgesic agent/

13 11 or 12

148 or 9 or 10

1513 and 14

167 or 15

176 and 16

18 limit 17 to human

PsycINFO = 2898

1 exp Opiates/

2 (opiate* or opioid* or fentanyl or narcotic* or dilaudid or oxycontin* or oxycod*).ti,ab.

3 exp Prescription Drugs/

41 or 2

5 (prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical* or legal*).ti,ab.

63 or 5

74 and 6

8 ((prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical*) adj2 (opioid* or opiate* or dilaudid or fentanyl or codeine or oxyco*)).ti,ab.

97 or 8

10 exp Heroin Addiction/ or exp Heroin/

11 exp Intravenous Drug Usage/

12 ((opiate* or oxyco* or opioid* or heroin* or codeine* or dilaudid or fentanyl or drug* or substance*) adj2 (use* or using or misuse* or abus* or dependence* or dependent* or addict*)).ti,ab.

1310 or 11 or 12

149 and 13

CINAHL = 1143

1 (MH “Drugs, Non-Prescription”) OR (MH “Drugs, Prescription”) OR (MH “Prescriptions, Drug”) OR (MH “Drugs, Off-Label”)

2 (MH “Substance Use Disorders”)

3 (MH “Heroin”) OR (MH “Substance Dependence”)

4 (MH “Substance Abuse, Intravenous”)

5 ((opiate* or opioid* or oxyco* or heroin* or codeine* or dilaudid or fentanyl or drug* or substance*) N2 (use* or using or misuse* or abus* or dependence* or dependent* or addict*))

6 (MH “Analgesics, Opioid”)

7 (opiate* or opioid* or fentanyl or narcotic* or dilaudid or oxycontin* or oxycod*)

82 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5

9 ((prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical*) n2 (opioid* or opiate* or dilaudid or fentanyl or codeine or oxyco*))

101 OR 6 OR 7

11 (prescript* or prescrib* or pharmaceutical* or legal*)

121 OR 11

1310 AND 12

149 OR 13

158 AND 14 (limtiters- human)