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Table 2 Review protocol considerations and characteristics of target trial (TT) for each study

From: Applying the ROBINS-I tool to natural experiments: an example from public health

Protocol/name of included study



TT comparison

Effect of interest assessed in study (classification)

Co-interventions/additional co-interventions



Confounders stated in review protocol/additional confounders

Actual comparison

Review protocol

Warmth and energy efficiency improvements

Eligible for intervention but not in receipt of it


(Classification: baseline)


Respiratory health assessed 12 months since intervention (incl self/parent report)

General population eligible to receive intervention

Baseline health; housing quality; socio-economic status; eligibility for intervention

No intervention/usual care

Braubach et al. [12]


Thermal insulation improvements

Eligible for intervention but not in receipt of it

No consensus

(Classification: unclear)

Unclear: various additional improvements to communal areas, water, and power supply

Not clear if balanced across groups.

Mixed views on whether these were “important”.

Asthma attacks in past 3 months

Housing agency tenants

External temperature: contrast between baseline and follow-up despite 12 months later

No intervention: area not selected for intervention

Hopton et al. [14]


Installation of “Heat with Rent” scheme

Eligible for intervention but not in receipt of it

No consensus

(Classification: post hoc)


Wheeze in past 12 months (parent report)

Children (<16) in social housing

Length of time in house; reason for moving to house

No intervention: non-participation in “Heat with Rent” scheme

Walker et al. [16]


Installation (and possibly repair) of heating system

Eligible for intervention but not in receipt of it


(Classification: baseline)


Experience of wheeze in past year (self-report)

Social housing tenants and elderly (> 60 years) private sector households

Age; gender; recent life events; change in smoking exposure; housing type/tenure; central heating at baseline household composition

No intervention: not eligible for programme (some contamination during study)

Shortt et al. [13]


Installation of heating system and other energy efficiency measures

Eligible for intervention but not in receipt of it

No consensus

(Classification: post hoc)

Unclear: promotion of welfare uptake to intervention and comparison households.

Not reported if balanced across groups.

Assessed as “important”.

Asthma (self-report)

Vulnerable groups (>65 years, low income and “infirm”)

Housing tenure

No intervention: not eligible for programme

Somerville et al. [15]


Installation of heating system


No consensus

(Classification: NA)


Wheeze by day (parent report)

Children (< 16) with asthma in damp social housing

Smokers in household; pets in household; house type; age


  1. Classification: post hoc is where intervention status is classified at follow-up
  2. Design: RCT randomised controlled trial, CBA controlled before and after, UBA uncontrolled before and after. Effect of interest: ITT intention to treat