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Table 4 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Use of programme theory to understand the differential effects of interventions across socio-economic groups in systematic reviews—a systematic methodology review

Inclusion criteria

Further explanation

Published systematic reviews

With or without meta-analysis

Assessed the effects of a non-pharmacological intervention on health behaviour or health outcome as primary outcome

Health behaviour is defined broadly as ‘any behaviour that may affect an individual’s physical health or any behaviour that an individual believes may affect their physical health’ ([78], p. 94)

Measured or collected data on the effects of SES on the intervention

SES is defined as incorporating a measure of one or more of the following: income, education or occupation

Reported either differential effects relating to SES (universal) or targeted low SES populations (targeted)


Published between January 2013 and May 2016

The date period is selected to acknowledge the publication in 2012 of the Reporting Guidelines for Systematic Reviews with a Focus on Health Equity [1]

Exclusion criteria

Further explanation

Included a primary outcome relating to a context other than health or health behaviour


Did not separate SES data from other equity considerations

For example, if it was not possible to separate data on ethnicity, age, or SES

Did not examine the effectiveness of an intervention


Measured the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions


Protocols or primary study designs


Published in a language other than English


Full text was not available at the time of data collection and analysis

  1. SES socio-economic status