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Table 1 Contextual factor categories and examples

From: Putting research in place: an innovative approach to providing contextualized evidence synthesis for decision makers

Contextual factor category

Examples of contextual factors to consider

Patient/client level

• Are there any epidemiological features or other features of the patient/client population that could affect equity of access, effectiveness, or appropriateness of the proposed intervention(s)?

• Are there cultural elements that may enhance or detract from the expected effectiveness of the studied intervention?

Service/site design level

• How will any features of the site(s) of the proposed intervention affect its effectiveness or cost-effectiveness?

• Is the design of the services feasible in the context of the existing infrastructure in some or all of the province’s regional health authorities?

Human resources

• Are there Health Human Resource (HHR) gaps? Does the province have the required number of appropriately trained and qualified practitioners to provide the service(s) in question?

• Are there any alternative staffing arrangements or training options that could fill these HHR gaps?

Organization of health services

• Will the organization of existing front-line health services accommodate or conflict with the intervention/approach?

• Can the existing management organization incorporate the intervention or will a significant reconfiguration be required?

Other departments/sectors

• Does the intervention require information, data or action from other government departments or provincial organizations, and will that information, data, or action be readily available?

• Does the intervention require resources that are controlled by other government departments, other governments, or provincial non-governmental organizations?


• Are the existing financial incentives in the province consistent with the requirements of the studied intervention(s)?

• How will the distribution of incomes affect the feasibility of delivering the studied intervention(s)?


• What are the public/media expectations for the intervention? Are they realistic?

• Is an intervention required as the result of a governmental decision or political pressure?