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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of studies relevant to the review

From: Parent experiences and information needs relating to procedural pain in children: a systematic review protocol


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Study design

Primary research

Qualitative or quantitative study designs

Reviews and overviewsa

Opinion pieces (i.e., comments, editorials, letters)

Publication date

Articles published from January 2000 to present

Articles published prior to January 2000


Articles published in English

Articles published in any language other than English


Parents of infants, children or youth aged 0 to 18 years

Human populations

Populations other than parents of infants, children or youth aged 0 to 18 years

Animal studies


Mildly (e.g., oral and nasal suctioning), moderately (e.g., dressing or tape removal, wound irrigation) and severely (e.g., venipuncture, phlebotomy, intravenous insertion, lumbar puncture, suprapubic aspiration) painful procedures [2] common to the emergency medicine setting

Procedures less common to the emergency medicine setting (e.g., vaccinations administered in the community, in-patient procedures); urinary catheter insertions; endoscopies; tracheotomies; procedural sedation


Articles describing parent experiences immediately before and/or after, and/or during the painful procedure, and their information needs with regard to managing their child’s distress and pain

Articles describing and/or evaluating tools or education programs that parents can use to manage their child’s distress and procedural pain

  1. aIf the topic of a review or overview is relevant, we may make use of these sources by checking the reference lists to identify primary studies for inclusion