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Table 2 Key informant interviews: perspectives on review methods

From: Fit for purpose: perspectives on rapid reviews from end-user interviews



Sample quotes [type of end-user]

Literature search

It is okay to limit the search by database, journal, year, etc. as long as it is scientifically justified

“I’d probably be more comfortable with selecting top 20 [journals]…and just do the evidence review using those.” [guideline developer]

“I would not expect things like looking for unpublished literature.” [payer]

“you…probably you get 90% or 95% of the evidence with 20% to 30% of the searching” [provider]

Abstract/full-text screening

It is acceptable to have single review of abstracts and full text

“To me that [single review] would be acceptable.” [research funder]

“I think implicitly in these kinds of rapid reviews…you’re going to do a combination of looking at existing reviews so that will help catch stuff that you might otherwise miss with single review.” [provider]

Quality assessment

Some assessment of literature quality is necessary

“I think that [quality assessment] should be included.” [payer]

“it’s important that we probably would want some level of comment on that [quality assessment]” [provider]

Data tables/extraction

Evidence tables are useful

“I think the most important part of an evidence review is always going to be the evidence tables” [guideline developer]

“one part that we use a lot are of course the extraction tables” [guideline developer]

Quality/strength of evidence

Quality/strength of evidence is important

“That [strength of evidence grading] would be very important.” [payer]

“The strength of the evidence I always find valuable as well.” [provider]

Summary tables

Summary tables or ways to present the results/conclusions in an accessible format are useful

“A lot of times you’ll do good summary tables, and that’s probably where I would look…” [payer]

“The work development teams in our clinical programs are more concerned with what’s the summary of the evidence.” [provider]

Future research recommendations

Future research recommendations are helpful for research development

“…what are the future research recommendations…99.9% of the systematic reviews all concluded more research is needed, so focus on exactly what are they recommending.” [research funder]

  1. Comments that are italicized represent most acceptable trade-offs