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Table 1 Search terms to be used

From: Mental contrasting as a behaviour change technique: a systematic review protocol paper of effects, mediators and moderators on health


Search terms


mental* contrast*, mental* contrast* and self-regulation, Mental* contrast* Imp* intention*, MCII and self-regulation, mental* contrast*and goal*, mental* contrast*and goal setting, mental* contrast* and goal pursuit, mental* contrast* and goal projection, mental* contrast* and goal attainment, mental* contrast* and Expectancy, mental* contrast* and fantasy and future and behaviour change, mental* contrast* and fantasy and future and behavior change

Study type

Clinical trial [pt], randomly [ab], randomized [ab], trial [ti], clinical trials


mental* contrast* and health, mental contrasting (exp) and health, MCII and health, mental* contrast* and behaviour*, mental* contrast* and behavior*, mental contrasting (exp) and behaviour, mental contrasting (exp) and behavior*, MCII and behaviour*, MCII and behavior*