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Table 1 Search terms used in Ovid MEDLINE

From: International law’s effects on health and its social determinants: protocol for a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis

MEDLINE search

Citations yielded = 576

1. (law or laws or agreement* or treaty or treaties or convention* or accord or accords or covenant* or protocol* or charter or charters or regime* or cooperation* or legislation*).tw.

2. (international or global or multi?national or trans?national or foreign or multi?lateral).tw.

3. (quantitative or empirical or experiment or experiments or experimental or quasi-experiment or quasi-experiments or quasi-experimental or statistic* or time?series or cross?sectional or tscs or counterfactual or ANOVA or MANOVA or t-test or z-test or f-test or logistic or correlation or frequentist or Bayesian or maximum likelihood or least squares or parametric or covariance).tw.

4. (effect* or affect* or impact* or ratif* or difference or differences or compliance or comply or adher* or implement* or influenc* or impact* or chang* or measur* or constrain* or screen* or behavio?r or deter* or reduc* or increas* or decreas* or inflat* or vary or variation* or varie*).tw.

5. ((law or laws or agreement* or treaty or treaties or convention* or accord or accords or covenant* or protocol* or charter or charters or regime* or cooperation or legislation*) adj3 (international or global or multi?national or trans?national or foreign or multi?lateral)).tw.

6. 3 and 4 and 5