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Table 1 PubMed search strategy

From: Impacts of information and communication technologies on nursing care: an overview of systematic reviews (protocol)


PubMed query


Decision Making, Computer-Assisted/nursing [Mesh:noexp]


Remote Consultation [Mesh]


Telemedicine [Mesh:noexp]


Telenursing [Mesh])


Electronic Health Records [Mesh]


Medical Records Systems, Computerized [Mesh:noexp]


Public Health Informatics [Mesh]


(Decision Making, Computer-Assisted/nurs* OR Remote Consultation* OR Telemedicine OR Telenursing OR Electronic Health Record* OR Medical Record* System* OR Computerized OR Public Health Informatics [Title/Abstract] OR (telehealth OR “information technolog*” OR information and communication technolog* OR personal digital assistant* [Title/Abstract])

# 9

Advanced Practice Nursing [Mesh]

# 10

Evidence-Based Nursing [Mesh]

# 11

Nursing [Subheading])

# 12

Nursing Care [Mesh:noexp])

# 13

Nursing Diagnosis [Mesh]


“Nurs*” OR “Nurs* practice” OR “nursing practice”


#9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14


Review OR systematic review [Mesh]


#8 AND #15 AND #16