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Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Biofeedback for treatment of awake and sleep bruxism in adults: systematic review protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Adults 18 or older

Children <18

Clinical or EMG/PSG-based diagnosis of SB or clinical diagnosis of AB

Co-existing diagnosis of SB and AB (unlikely)

Co-existing diagnoses not affecting clinical management of bruxism

Known neurological or psychiatric comorbidities and/or a past history of receiving biofeedback therapy for bruxism

Biofeedback as an intervention for reducing or controlling bruxism

Relaxation therapy not linked to bruxism specifically

Any valid comparison (placebo, other intervention or biofeedback type)

Co-existing alternate therapy for bruxism in intervention group (complex intervention)

Any duration

Duration of active therapy not clear (or clarified by authors)

Outcomes reported at completion of active therapy and (optionally) at completion of follow-up


Any language


Published or unpublished work


In respect of Objective 1 only:


Any study type that provides evidence about types of biofeedback, technical aspects of design and clinical use or safety issues.


In respect of Objective 2 only:


Randomised or quasi-randomised control trials or randomised cross-over studies

Any other study design

  1. AB, awake bruxism; EMG, electromyograph; PSG, polysomnograph; SB, sleep bruxism.