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Table 5 Variables for data extraction

From: Study protocol: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in first-line treatment of squamous non-small cell lung cancer

Arm-phase-period information by study arm and overall


Unique arm number. Unique number for the treatment arm is a grouping variable that is used to highlight which outcome is in the same group of subjects

Integer, in case of sub-analysis arm use A.a format. Placebo = 0, for sub-arm 0.1

Number of study arms


1, 2, 3

Open label versus blinded


Phase of study


1, 2, 3, or unknown



OS, PFS, RR, TPD, etc.

Patients randomized

Number of patients randomized to the arm

Number value

Arm description

Description of the treatment arm usually includes the drug name, dose, and frequency

e.g., methotrexate 10 mg QW (once a week)

Sub arm analysis

Indicates if the analysis is in a subset of study arm

Yes, NA. Use all in case of AE or dropout data is reported for the randomized trial population

Arm comment

Comment referring to the arm

Comment in relevance to the understating of arm or NA

Study phase

Description of the specific phase within the overall study from which the data is derived

Lead-in, active, follow-up

Study phase description

Qualifies the "Study Phase" field with any additional information deemed necessary or helpful for that arm

e.g., open-label follow-up

Phase duration

Length of time of the study phase from which the data is derived for the arm


Phase duration unit

Time unit for phase duration for the arm


Phase comment

Comment concerning the study phase

Any comment that is relevant to the understanding of the phase or NA


Used if necessary to separate crossover periods within a crossover trial

If the phase has multiple periods, the number of the period. Integer in sequence, or NA

Period description

Used to qualify the "Period" field with any additional information deemed necessary or helpful

e.g., treatment A, titration, maintenance, NA

Period duration

Length of time of the period in a study phase from which the data is derived

Time, NA

Period duration unit

Time unit for period duration

Units, NA

Period comment

Comment concerning the period

Any comment that is relevant to the understanding of the period or NA



Data entry standards

Demographics and medical history information at baseline by study arm and overall—adjusted and unadjusted


Mean (or median) age in years of patient population or treatment arm population

Age in years or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent female

Percent of females in the patient population or treatment arm population

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial


Mean body weight of the patient or treatment arm population

Weight in kg, normalize if needed or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial


Mean height of the patient or treatment arm population

Height in cm, normalize if needed or NR if not reported


Mean body mass index of the treatment arm population

BMI in kg/m2, normalize if needed or NR if not reported in the trial


Mean (or median) diastolic blood pressure



Mean (or median) systolic blood pressure



Description of treatment arm or sub-arm inclusion criteria under the trial protocol

e.g., for sub-group females only, or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial


Description of treatment arm or sub-arm exclusion criteria under the trial protocol

e.g., for sub-group exclusion of females with child-bearing potential, or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Ethnic white

Percent of the ethnic population who are whites or Caucasian in the trial

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Ethnic black

Percent of the ethnic population who are black in the trial

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Ethnic Hispanic

Percent of the ethnic population who are Hispanic in the trial

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Ethnic Asian

Percent of the ethnic population who are Asian in the trial

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Ethnic other

Percent of the ethnic population who are other in the trial

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Primary disease

Primary disease being studied


Percent current smokers

Percent of the population who are current smokers

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent previous smokers

Percent of the population who are previous smokers

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent adenocarcinoma type

Percent subjects with NSCLC adenocarcinoma type

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent squamous cell carcinoma type

Percent subjects with NSCLC squamous cell carcinoma type

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent non-squamous


Percent NSCLC stage 0/ I/ II

Percent subjects with NSCLC stage 0 or I or II

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent NSCLC stage III

Percent subjects with NSCLC stage III

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent NSCLC stage IV

Percent subjects with NSCLC stage IV

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent NSCLC stage III/IV total

Total percent of subjects with NSCLC stages III or IV

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent ECOG status 0

Percent subjects with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status scale 0

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent ECOG status 1

Percent subjects with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status scale 1

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent ECOG status 0/1 total

Percent subjects with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status scales 0 or 1

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent Karnofsky status ≥80

Percent subjects with Karnofsky’s index of performance status >80%

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent WHO performance status 0/1

Percent subjects with WHO performance status scale 0 or 1

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Num of metastatic lymph nodes

Mean or median number of metastatic lymph nodes

NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent metastatic L-node positive

Percent subjects who are lymph node positive or with metastatic lymph nodes

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent bone metastasis

Percent subjects with bone metastasis

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent brain metastasis

Percent subjects with brain metastasis

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent liver metastasis

Percent subjects with lung metastasis

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent other metastasis

Percent subjects with other metastatic organs

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent metastatic organ sites 1

Percent subjects with one metastatic organ or site involved

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent metastatic organ sites 2

Percent subjects with two metastatic organs or sites involved

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent metastatic organ sites >3

Percent subjects with three or more metastatic organs or sites involved

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent hemoglobin <11.5 g/dl

Percent subjects with baseline hemoglobin levels <11.5 g/dl

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Patient demographic comments

Any pertinent demographic comments that are not dealt by other variables

Any comment that may be relevant to the understanding of the demographic characteristics of the patient population

Percent previous surgery

Subjects with previous treatment for NSCLC as complete or partial surgery. Procedures include wedge resection (removal of part of a lobe), segmentectomy (removal of an anatomic division of a particular lobe of the lung), lobectomy (one lobe), bilobectomy (two lobes), or pneumonectomy (whole lung)

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent previous radiotherapy

Percent subjects with previous radiotherapy as treatment for NSCLC

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Percent previous chemotherapy

Percent subjects with previous chemotherapy as treatment for NSCLC

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial



At baseline and by treatment arm

Percent comorbidities


At baseline and by treatment arm;% or NR

Percent previous platinum


Percent no previous treatment

Percent subjects with no treatment for NSCLC

Percent or NR if not mentioned specifically or clearly in the trial

Previous treatment comments

Comments regarding the previous treatment

Any comment that may be relevant to the understanding of the previous NSCLC treatment in this record, NA if no comments

Pharmacological therapy information



Data entry standards

Primary NSCLC therapy

Name of primary drug therapy used in this arm at that time point

NSCLC drug, e.g., cisplatin, docetaxel

Primary NSCLC dose

Randomized daily dose at time of outcome. Please note that this is the dose the patients were receiving when the observation is made (not the first randomized dose). If the treatment is switched at the time of observation, record the prior treatment the patients were getting just before the observation was made

Total daily dose at the time of observation

Primary NSCLC dose achieved

Average daily dose during assessment period or for the total treatment period

Average daily dose achieved. Specifically useful for dose titration and crossover trials, NA for the fixed dose trials as both dose achieved and total daily dose do not vary

Primary NSCLC dose unit

Unit of total daily or average dose achieved

Unit, NR if not reported

Primary NSCLC dose freq/cycle


Primary Rx days of administration


e.g., d1, d8

Primary therapy duration and route of administration


e.g., 10 min i.v. infusion

Primary NSCLC Rx cycle duration


Primary NSCLC Rx number of cycles


Primary NSCLC formulation

Special treatment formulation

Only specialized formulations like IR, CR, SR

Primary NSCLC therapy status

Indicates whether the observation refers to the first, continuing or last dose of the therapy

Start = first dose starts on at this time, continuing = treatment is continuing at this time, end = treatment has been discontinued at this time (last dose)

Primary NSCLC dose comments

Comment regarding the dosing of primary NSCLC treatment

Any comment that may be relevant to the understanding the dosing of the primary treatment in this record, NA if no comments

Combo NSCLC therapy

Name of secondary NSCLC therapy used in this arm in addition to the primary treatment at that time point

NSCLC drug, e.g., PTH NA if no secondary NSCLC therapy

Combo NSCLC dose

Randomized daily dose of the secondary NSCLC therapy at time of outcome. Refer to the dose description of primary NSCLC dose

Total daily dose at the time of observation, NR if not reported and NA if no secondary NSCLC therapy

Combination NSCLC dose achieved

Average daily dose of the secondary NSCLC therapy during assessment period or for the total treatment period

Average daily dose achieved. Specifically useful for dose titration and crossover trials, NA for the fixed dose trials as both dose achieved and total daily dose do not vary

Combination NSCLC dose unit

Unit of total daily or average dose achieved for the secondary NSCLC therapy

Unit, NR if not reported or NA if no secondary NSCLC therapy

Combination NSCLC dose reg

Frequency of secondary NSCLC therapy being administered

QD, BID, etc., NA if no secondary NSCLC therapy

Combination NSCLC dose freq/cycle


Combination Rx days of administration


e.g., d1, d8

Combination Rx duration and route of administration


e.g., 10 min i.v. infusion

Combination NSCLC Rx cycle duration


Combination NSCLC Rx number of cycles


Combination NSCLC dose comment

Comment regarding the dosing of secondary NSCLC therapy

Any comment that may be relevant to the understanding the dosing of the secondary treatment in this record, NA if no comments or no secondary NSCLC therapy

Concomitant medications


Baseline or by treatment arm

Radiation therapy information



Data entry standards

Radiation therapy type


Radiation therapy comments


Assessment characterization



Data entry standards


Common name for assessment that this record refers to, e.g., PANSS

As in the assessments and conventions sheet

Assessment short form

Code for the assessment

As in the assessments and conventions sheet

Assessment comment

Any comment that describes the nature of the assessment

e.g., plasma glucose level, NA if no comments

Assessment location

Location from where the assessment value is taken or extracted from the manuscript

Table number, figure number, page number

Assessment category

Describes what the assessment value represented is, whether it is absolute, change from baseline (CFB), percent change from baseline (PCFB), or fraction of randomized patients with the event, count in case of tender or swollen joint counts

Absolute, CFB, PCFB, Frac, or Count

Assessment Stat parameter

The summary parameter of the assessment value

Mean, median, percent, NR if not reported

Stat population

Statistical population for which the efficacy/safety analyses were done and value reported

ITT, OC, completers, randomized, PPP (per protocol population: define), NR if not reported

Missing data treatment

Method used for handling with missing observations in computing the summary parameter

LOCF (last observation carried forward), none, NR if not reported and NA in case of completers

Scale lower limit

Scale lower limit

The lower limit of the scale for the assessment, NA if not applicable

Scale upper limit

Scale upper limit

The upper limit of the scale for the assessment, NA if not applicable

Assessment categories or words

Scale category description

Category that is associated with each point of the scale

Total levels

Total categories/points in the scale

The total number of categories associated with each point of the scale, e.g., 0 to 4 point scale

Total symptoms

Total symptoms in the scale

The total number of symptoms associated with the respective assessment, NA if not applicable

Total score lower limit

Lower limit of the scale, this is calculated as the number of levels multiplied with the lowest possible scale

Integer value, NA if not applicable

Total score upper limit

Upper limit of the scale, this is calculated as the number of levels multiplied with the highest possible scale

Integer value, NA if not applicable

Assessment level

For ordered categorical data "scales." Indicates which level in the categorical scale the assessment is referring to

Integer level from 1 to number of levels, if fractional responder type, enter responder threshold value, eg., ≥5% weight loss from baseline for total body weight assessment, etc., NA if not applicable


Scale, mean value, SD by group, time point


Time, assessment, and baseline value information



Data entry standards

Assessment visit

Clinical visit at which the assessment is done

Visit 1 (usually baseline) is the first visit in the active phase. Lead in visits start at -1 and count backwards, NR if not reported

Assessment time reported

Time at which the assessment is done during the study and as reported in the manuscript

Visit 1 = baseline = time 0 and the lead in assessment time starts at -1 and count backwards

Assessment time unit reported

Unit for reported assessment time

Time unit as reported

Assessment time range reported

In case if the assessment values are average over a time interval

e.g., weeks 2 through 28 enter 2–28

Assessment time normalized

Normalized time in days at which the assessment is done during the study and as reported in the manuscript

The normalized time value using the normalized unit as days, e.g., 4 weeks = 28 days

Assessment time unit normalized

Unit for standard assessment time

Days is the standard unit

Assessment value

Assessment value reported at that time point

Assessment value as reported

Assessment unit

Assessment unit as reported

Assessment unit as reported, NA if not applicable

Assessment SE

SE of reported assessment value

SE as reported, NR if not reported

Assessment SD

SD of reported assessment value

SD as reported, NR if not reported

Assessment CI type


Assessment lower CI


Assessment upper CI


Assessment value normalized

Assessment value converted into normalized assessment units

Still insert value here, report if normalized units are the same as the reported units

Assessment value unit norm

Normalized assessment value units

See assessments and conventions sheet for normalized assessment standard

Assessment SE normalized

Standard error of normalized assessment value

SE in the same units as normalized assessment, may need to be calculated from SD and N; if not provided, NA

Assessment SD normalized

Standard deviation of normalized assessment value

SD in the same units as normalized assessment, may need to be calculated from SE and N; if not provided, NA

Assessment CI type normalized


Assessment lower CI normalized


Assessment upper CI normalized


Assessment number

Number of patients assessed at that time point and the value derived

Integer value, but for responders and dropouts, this value is calculated from the percentages reported in the trial

Assessment value comment

Comment pertaining to the assessment value that cannot be dealt by other variables

e.g., the assessment value is the mean of last 7 days of before each clinical visit, etc.

Hazard ratio

95% confidence intervals, progression-free survival, and overall survival—adjusted and unadjusted


Baseline visit

Clinical visit at which the baseline assessment is done

Visit 1 = baseline = time 0, NR if not reported

Baseline time

Time at which the baseline assessment is done

Visit 1 = baseline = time 0

Baseline time unit

Unit for reported baseline time

Time unit as reported

Baseline time normalized

Normalized time in days at which the baseline is done during the study and as reported in the manuscript

The normalized time value using the normalized unit as days, e.g., -4 weeks = -28 days

Baseline time unit normalized

Unit for standard baseline time

Days is the standard unit

Baseline value

Absolute baseline value for that assessment

Absolute baseline value

Baseline value unit

Assessment unit as reported

Assessment unit as reported, NA if not applicable

Baseline SE

SE of the absolute baseline value

SE as reported, NR if not reported

Baseline SD

SD of the absolute baseline value

SD as reported, NR if not reported

Baseline CI type


Baseline lower CI


Baseline upper CI


Baseline value normalized

Baseline value converted into normalized baseline units

Still insert value here report if normalized units are the same as the reported units

Baseline value unit normalized

Normalized baseline value units

See assessments and conventions sheet for normalized assessment standard

Baseline SE normalized

Standard error of normalized baseline value

SE in the same units as normalized baseline, may need to be calculated from SD and N; if not provided, NA

Baseline SD normalized

Standard deviation of normalized baseline value

SD in the same units as normalized baseline, may need to be calculated from SE and N; if not provided, NA

Baseline CI type normalized


Baseline lower CI normalized


Baseline upper CI normalized


Baseline N

Number of patients from which the baseline value is derived


Baseline value comment

Comment pertaining to the baseline value that cannot be dealt by other variables

e.g., the baseline value is the mean of last 7 days of the run in period

Reference specifications




Data entry standards

Ref code

Numerical code assigned for the literature citation. Maps the record to the assessment details


Protocol or trial number

Protocol ID or the number of the trial report

As reported, NA if not applicable

Date modified

Date of initial entry or subsequent modification of the data point

mmddyy format

Modified by

Initials of curator


Modification comment

Any comment that is relevant to modification by the curator

Initial entry if new record, brief statement of change(s)

Copyright status

Provided by the client or procured by the service provider

Client provided or yes in case the manuscript is procured by the service provider


Authors of publication

As reported


Journal name

Standard abbreviated forms can be used, generally as in the PubMed

Publication year

Year of the publication



Title of the study



Volume number of the publication

e.g., 180


Page numbers of the publication

e.g., 1–24

Trial name alias

Trial name that trial is commonly referred to

NR if not reported

Inclusion description

Provide description of inclusion criteria

Can be cut and paste from PDF, can be placed in an attached note

Exclusion description

Provide description of exclusion criteria

Can be cut and paste from PDF, can be placed in an attached note

Study design

Brief description of the study design

Parallel-fixed arm, dose escalation, effect titration, crossover, etc.

Location of the trial

Geographical location where the study is conducted

Primary nationalities list

Number of countries

Number of countries the study is conducted


Number of centers

Number of centers the study is conducted


Trial start date

Date when the trial started

mmddyy format

Trial end date

Date when the trial completed

mmddyy format

Placebo-controlled or active comparator

Was there a control group and was it placebo

PBO control/active comparator

Active comparator therapy

If this was an active comparator trial what was the comparator therapy

e.g., PTH

Percent randomized to placebo

Percent of subjects in the trial who are randomized to placebo


Add-on/washout study

Was the study drug added on to standardized background Rx, was background Rx washed out prior to starting primary Rx, or was standardized background therapy withdrawn once primary RX started

Add-On, Washout, Replacement, None

Study blind

Was the trial blinded for the treatment phase

Yes, double blind

Number of arms

Number of treatment arms the patients are randomized to


Arm description

Codes and description for arms

0 = placebo and others in sequence

Dose descriptions

Brief descriptions of the treatment drugs and the respective doses along with regimens received

0 = placebo, 1 = metformin 10 mg QW…

Dose ranging within study

Does the trial contain at least two primary treatment arms where different dose strengths were administered

Yes, No. Placebo does not count as a dose strength

Primary longitudinal data

Were multiple time values reported for the primary assessment endpoint

Yes, No.

Active phase trial duration

What was the duration of the active phase of the trial

Time, units, i.e., 3 weeks

Steady state effect achieved?

Does it appear that effect stabilized over time for primary endpoints

Yes, No. Not clear

Was there a lead-in phase?

Was there a standardized lead-in phase in the study other than a simple screening visit

Yes, No

Lead-in phase duration

If so, what was the duration

If yes, time, units, i.e., 6 months. If no, 0

Was there a follow-up phase?

Was there a standardized follow-up phase that at least some patients were enrolled in after the active phase ended

Yes, No

Duration of follow-up phase

If so, what was the duration

If yes, time, units, i.e., 6 months. If no, 0

Primary endpoint

What is the primary outcome or assessment reported in the trial

e.g., HBA1C

Secondary endpoints


Other efficacy endpoints available

List of the other secondary efficacy or biomarker outcomes reported in the trial

e.g., HOMA

Most frequent AEs (incidence)

List the most frequently reported AE’s

e.g., vomiting, nausea, headache, dizziness

Adverse events

Grade,%, n by group, treatments for AEs, hospitalizations secondary to AEs and overall, ICU admissions secondary to AEs and overall


Median and mean if reported

Progression-free survival and overall survival in months (TTPD, TTTF)


Survival rates

Percent alive at X months


Response rates

At what time?



Number of individuals experiencing toxicity/treatment group