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Table 1 Trial reporting criteria investigated and numbers of trials with satisfactory reporting

From: Completeness of reporting of setting and health worker cadre among trials on antenatal iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnancy: an assessment based on two Cochrane reviews

Criteria investigated

Descriptive points

Trials reporting


Type of facility (for example, primary care clinic) and geographic location (for example, Mexico City)

68% (n = 46/68)

Details to help clarify the setting (for example, information on care level, types of services provided, whether privately or publicly funded, characteristics of supervisory or management staff)

26% (n = 18/68)

Description of the population receiving the intervention (for example, socioeconomic status, educational level, marital status et cetera)

54% (n = 37/68)

Health worker cadre

Level of training (professional qualifications, non-professional training or experience)

34% (n = 23/68)

Intervention-specific training received by health workers involved in delivery of the intervention

4% (n = 3/68)


Information regarding supporting cadres or supervision

25% (n = 17/68)