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Table 2 Details of the three DTARs used as interview material

From: A qualitative study into the difficulties experienced by healthcare decision makers when reading a Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review


Galactomannan review

MRI versus CT review

Physical examination review

Index test(s)

Galactomannan sandwich ELISA (Platelia©)

Diffusion-weighted MRI and CT (for the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke); MRI (for the diagnosis of acute hemorrhagic stroke)

A number of physical examination tests such as straight leg raising and crossed straight leg raising tests.

Reference standard

EORTC/MSG criteria (see review)

Acute ischemic stroke: a combination of clinical and imaging information supported by clinical or imaging follow-up (CT or MRI) or autopsy;

Diagnostic imaging or findings at surgery

Acute hemorrhagic stroke: a clinical diagnosis supported by CT or autopsy

Target condition

Invasive aspergillosis

Acute ischemic stroke; acute hemorrhagic stroke

Radiculopathy due to lower lumbar disc herniation

Presentation of the results from meta-analysis

Estimates of sensitivity and specificity (percentages) and false positive and false negative rates (natural frequencies)

Estimates of sensitivity and specificity (percentages)

Estimates of sensitivity and specificity (percentages)